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Willamette Mission State Park

10991 Wheatland Rd NE

Willamette Mission is one of the most significant and beautiful historic sites in the Willamette Valley. The park is the site of the first mission for Native Americans in the west, founded in 1834 by Reverend Jason Lee. The Methodist Mission was the first American settlement after the fur trading forts in the Oregon Territory.  The original buildings are represented by framed outlines called ghost structures and can be seen with a short jaunt on the Mission Trail. Walk a little further and the landing for the Wheatland Ferry -- the first to carry a wagon and ox team across the Willamette River in 1844 -- is there, welcoming visitors to ride. 

The other 'big feature' of the park is the Nation's Largest Black Cottonwood - it's been around for over 250 years.  It on the bank of the mile-long oxbow lake - Mission Lake, along with an array of grassy meadows, flowering shrubs, trees and outstanding bird and wildlife viewing. 

The park offers many daytime opportunities for trail enthusiasts, boaters, anglers and picnic groups. It's known for the trails - From rugged but sandy equestrian multi-use trails, to soft-landing jogging, history and nature trails, to sure-footed paved trails.  Sixteen miles in all - sure to find your suit!  Willamette Mission picnic areas are filbert and walnut orchards for family fall picking. For those that enjoy water, plan your spring or early summer trip fishing the docks or canoeing Mission Lake or boating the Willamette River.

Major Features & Activities

Hiking Trails
Bike path
Disc Golf
Horse Trails


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