As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

White Fall Farm

6135 Riceville Road

7th generation tending same land, local produce, pumpkins (acres), natural beef, Fall pumpkins events, hayrides, mazes, hay castle. Evening bonfires with local music and our produce and meat for a meal, CSA memberships available.

Cattle are raised from calves on pasture. Fed hay and homegrown grains. No growth hormones or unnecessary antibiotics. No confinement. Angus.

High value produce is irrigated and graded for consistent yield and quality.

CSA Details:

Season:  May through November
Type: Single farm
Since: 2010
No of Shares: 200
Full Share: $15/week with a 10-wk min.
Work Req? No

Pick Up/Drop Off Points:

White Fall Farm
Contact: AJ Nuckols
Phone: 4343355738
Address: 2825 White Fall Rd., Gretna, VA 24557 


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