As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Vassalboro Wildlife Habitat

Five parcels, generously donated or purchased over many years, make up KLT's largest property on the east side of the Kennebec River, the Vassalboro Wildlife Habitat. This conservation property, once part of a productive farm, features 2200 feet of undeveloped shoreline on Webber Pond, excellent birding, a silky dogwood wetland, and rare swamp white oaks. As you hike along the old trolley bed, imagine cars rolling by in the early twentieth century with people bound for Waterville or Augusta.

Usage and Trails

Allowable Uses: Vassalboro Wildlife Habitat is open to the public for nature observation, hiking, cross-country skiing, fishing, and hunting by permission. Hunting is by permission of KLT, 207-377-2848. Hunting is not allowed on the parcel with the hiking trail on the east side of Webber Pond Road. Out of respect for hikers and small children, dogs should be under voice command or on a leash. Please pick up after your pets.


Alewive Amble Loop: An easy one-mile loop trail features 2,200 feet of  undeveloped frontage along Webber Pond and views of a wooded island to the east. The trail comfortably accommodates several hikers walking together. Water access to the shore of this parcel is available via the public boat landing at the Webber Pond outlet. 

Virginia Rail Trail: On the west side of Webber Pond Road, the Virginia Rail Trail leads to a cattail marsh with wood duck boxes; there are also many unmarked trails on old woods roads. There is no developed trail on the 18-acre parcel on the east side of Webber Pond.


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