As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Rollins State Park

1066 Kearsarge Mountain Rd

Rollins State Park, located in Warner, is situated on the south slope of Mt. Kearsarge. A 3-1/2 mile long scenic auto road rises from the park entrance through woodlands to the parking and picnic areas. The picnic area, located in a natural wooded glen beneath granite ledges, is historically referred to as the "Garden." It affords views that stretch from Mt. Monadnock to the hills of New Hampshire's coastal plain. The summits of Pack Monadnock, Crotched and Uncanoonuc Mountains, the hills of central Massachusetts, and the Boston skyline are visible on the horizon, while the Mink Hills and Merrimack River Valley can be seen nearby. A one-half mile trail to the summit of Mt.Kearsarge leaves from the picnic area. 


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