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Quabbin Reservoir

485 Ware Road

Quabbin Reservoir is one of the largest man-made public water supplies in the United States. Created in the 1930s by the construction of two huge earthen dams, the reservoir is fed by the three branches of the Swift River, and seasonally by the Ware River. Quabbin's water covers 39 square miles, is 18 miles long and has 181 miles of shoreline. When full, Quabbin holds 412 billion gallons of water.


Scenic Views
The New Salem and Enfield lookouts offer magnificent views of the reservoir.

You may fish by boat or along the shoreline. There are restrictions to protect the water supply. Boats are available to rent.

All Activities at Quabbin Reservoir
Running and walking
Boating (motorized)
Boating (non-motorized)
Cross-country skiing

Facilities at Quabbin Reservoir
Education programs
Picnic areas (carry-in, carry-out)
Visitor center
Observation tower
Boat rentals


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