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Popple River Corridor State Natural Area

Popple River Corridor is a complex of wetlands and adjacent uplands situated along the Popple River. The uplands contain fire-origin white and red pine aged at about 100 years. The understory includes bracken fern, beaked hazelnut, bunchberry, spinulose wood fern, Canada mayflower, big-leaf aster, and northern bush-honeysuckle. Also present is a northern wet-mesic forest dominated by late-successional hemlock that contains a significant component of coarse woody debris, den trees, and nurse trees. Ground flora includes Pennsylvania sedge, three-leaved goldthread, downy yellow violet, and large-flowered trillium. A designated wild river, this area of the Popple contains large boulders along its banks and floodplains. Popple River Corridor is owned by the US Forest Service and was designated a State Natural Area in 2007.

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