As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Paxton Dog Park

Stockholm and Fall streets

The Paxton Dog Park is the result of over a year of planning, hard work, and fundraising by the Paxton Dog Park Committee. 

The Paxton Dog Park is located at Coady Park. It sits east of the tennis courts and north of the skate park. Currently, parking is available in the Civic Center parking lot off of Fall St. or you can use the gravel entrance close to the skate park off of Summer St. A more defined and improved entrance and parking will be made available come Spring 2014.

Hours: Open daily, year-round, dawn to dusk.

2014 Dog Park memberships are currently on sale. They will be valid for the rest of 2013 and the entirety of 2014. Upon membership, dog will receive a Paxton Dog Park tag. Yearly membership for one (1) dog is $30 for Paxton residents, $40 for non-residents. $5 for each additional dog. Owner must show proof of county registration tags AND proper vaccination records upon registration. Dog Park tags must be purchased in person at the Paxton Park District office.

If a yearly membership is not purchased, visitors to the park must pay the daily admission rate of $5. Payments can be made on site.

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