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Ocheda Orchard

29716 Read Ave.

About Us

Ocheda Orchard has been the place for fresh locally grown apples for over 30 years.  At last, an activity the whole family can do together that's actually fun! Picking apples provides exercise, lots of fresh air, and something to take home for your efforts. Kids will cherish the memories for a lifetime.The first trees were planted in 1965 by the Donald Nystrom family.  Early plantings were standard size but more recent plantings are dwarf size trees.  Chuck Nystrom, the current owner/manager has traveled from Washington  State to South Carolina in search of apple varieties suitable to SW Minnesota. However the Orchard continues to feature Minnesota-developed varieties such as Haralson, Sweet Sixteen, Zestar, and Honeycrisp. Ocheda Orchard has approximately 5000 trees, and 15 varieties planted on 35 acres.Make a visit to the orchard part of your fall experience - taste and pick up your favorites!


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