As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Nulhegan Basin Division

The Nulhegan Basin Division is located in the most remote part of Vermont in the towns of Brunswick, Ferdinand, Bloomfield, and Lewis. The division headquarters and visitor contact station is located in Brunswick (about 10 miles east of Island Pond). Refuge lands consist of more than 26,600 acres of conifer and deciduous forest interspersed with forested wetlands, peatlands and shrub swamps, and contain three of the four tributaries of the Nulhegan River. These lands are nested within a working forest landscape exceeding 150,000 acres. Located just a few miles south of the Canadian border, the basin's vegetation most closely resembles that of the northern Appalachian Mountains, interspersed with elements of the boreal forest to the north. This division is known for abundant songbirds, particularly boreal species and warblers, and has been designated an Important Bird Area by the National Audubon Society. It is open to the public for hunting, fishing, wildlife observation and photography, environmental education, and interpretation.

Visitor opportunities include formal trails, as well as access to remote areas off trails. Hunting (ruffed grouse, snowshoe hare, deer, and moose), fishing, and bird watching are popular activities.

Hiking Trails

Mollie Beattie Bog: a self-guided, 200-foot, wheelchair-accessible boardwalk and trail. Among the most significant black spruce woodland bogs in Vermont, it has been recognized as a state significant site. It contains one of the largest populations of bog sedge, which is a rare plant in Vermont.

Nulhegan River Trail: a 1-mile interpretive loop that originates at the visitor contact station. This is a rustic trail with stone steps and "bog" bridges. This trail is accessible year-round, and is suitable for snowshoeing.

North Branch Trail: a 4-mile loop bordering the North Branch of the Nulhegan River. It is also a rustic trail and is accessible year-round from a parking area on Vermont Route 105. In addition to snowshoeing, certain segments are also suitable for cross-country skiing.

The division contains forty miles of gravel roads, which accommodate passenger vehicles and are open generally between Memorial Day and mid-December. During the winter, the roads are not plowed, but a network of groomed trails is available for properly registered snowmobiles (VAST TMA required). Call the visitor contact station for the current status of the roads. Bicycles, horses, and ATVs are not allowed.


Black-throated blue warbler, blackburnian warbler, northern parula, ruffed grouse, spruce grouse, American woodcock, gray jay, black-backed woodpecker, boreal chickadee, hermit thrushe, alder flycatcher, palm warbler, broad-winged hawk, golden-crowned kinglet, wood duck, Canada warbler, American redstart, mourning warbler, cedar waxwing, pine siskin, and many other forest-dependent species. 


Eastern brook trout, brown trout.


White-tailed deer, black bear, moose, snowshoe hare, coyote, red squirrel, fisher, bobcat, porcupine. 


Blue-bead lily, trout lily, Canada mayflower, Canada lily, Solomon’s seal, rhodora, Labrador tea, sundew, lady slippers, pitcher plants, and other northern bog plant species.

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