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New Hampshire Audubon

84 Silk Farm Road


To protect New Hampshire’s natural environment for wildlife and for people.

Founded in 1914 with an original focus on protecting and restoring migratory bird populations decimated by hunting and collection in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, today’s NH Audubon provides:

Environmental education programs throughout the state
Statewide conservation research and wildlife monitoring
Protection of nearly 8,000 acres of wildlife habitat in 38 sanctuaries
Environmental public policy and science-based advocacy

A nonprofit, statewide membership organization independent of the National Audubon Society, NH Audubon operates four centers (in Auburn, Concord, Hebron, and Manchester) and two raptor observatories (in Concord and Peterborough). Our staff includes conservation biologists, educators, land managers, and other talented individuals with accounting, development, personnel, communications, building maintenance, management, and marketing skills.

For maximum effectiveness, NH Audubon staff work collaboratively with other nonprofits, state and federal agencies, municipalities, industry, universities, and landowners. We respect collaborators’ perspectives while advocating for the best possible environmental outcomes.

NH Audubon’s long history tells a story of member involvement in our programs that continues to this day. Many of our conservation and education programs rely on citizen-scientists and naturalists. These volunteers provide data on bird populations and to help staff study the state’s biodiversity, measure the effects of human activity on wildlife, and teach children, families, and adults about the natural environment. Volunteers also help with mailings, data entry, events, and special projects.

New Hampshire Audubon is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees.

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