As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Moyer Skate Park

900 Union Street


- Playground
- One shelter with picnic tables
- Basketball half court
- Skate park.  A paved park for skate boarders and in-line skates featuring jumps and ramps. Those using the park must wear proper safety equipment.
- Restrooms
- Volleyball court
- Two horseshoe pits
- May by reserved by residents/tax payers in the City of Salem, Salem churches or Salem organizations may reserve.
- The shelter will accommodate 75-100 people and it has sinks, running water, and electrical outlets.
- This shelter is available to be reserved anytime between 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. or 5 p.m.-10 p.m.

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