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Jackson Country Connection

28496 Nature Lane

Jackson Country Connection is an outdoor agricultural entertainment center providing family fun and group activities during the months of September, October, and November each fall. Additionally, a country store offers autumn flowers, garden and home interior items, and locally produced crafts, jams and jells. Our mission is to give visitors an opportunity to enjoy time together amidst the bounty of the season, while providing education and awareness of the agriculture industry.

Jackson Country Connection was started in 2008 as a labor of love when Bob and Andy Jackson, owners, were approached by a group of community members with the idea of creating a small pumpkin patch and corn maze business in LaPlata, Missouri.

Because both Bob and Andy had worked closely with local universities and were interested in agricultural education, they were a perfect fit for the project!

On their own farm, the Jacksons had raised a family and were now beginning to watch their grandchildren grow up... but a bit more removed from nature and agricultural identity. Bob and Andy also began to recognize there were increasingly fewer opportunities for kids (and many parents) to connect with local farms and food suppliers.


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