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Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve Loop

Fullersburg Woods opened to the public in 1920 and has a rich history. In the 1930s, a Civilian Conservation Corps camp was built here, and the visitor center and several of the shelters stand as remnants of that period. In subsequent years, the preserve was so heavily used that in 1969 picnicking was restricted, and boating was prohibited because sewage discharges and water runoff from surrounding communities polluted Salt Creek.

It was this time that Fullersburg’s revival began. Dedicated to multiple-use land management, the District implemented plans to restore and preserve the natural surroundings, improve flood control, and provide environmental education. As a result, the creek's water quality has improved, trees and other plant communities are thriving, and a restored prairie adds to the preserve's diversity. Today, Fullersburg Woods is a prime wildlife haven in an urban environment, hosting a variety of woodland wildlife, nesting songbirds, and spring and fall migratory birds, especially warblers.

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