As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Fort Sisseton Historic State Park

11907 434th Avenue

Named after the nearby Sisseton Indian Tribe, this historic fort is now a picturesque state park that unfolds the area's past.  Walk the grounds where the officers' quarters, stone barracks, powder magazine, guard house, and other buildings that remain from the time of the western frontier.

This 1864 fort, atop the Coteau des Prairies (or hills of the praries), was originally a frontier army outpost called Fort Wadsworth.  The site was chosen because it provided a strong natural defense, an ample supply of lime and clay for making bricks, an abundance of lake water for drinking and a thick stand of trees for timber and fuel.

Visitor Center with interpretive displays and gift shop is open daily from Open House Weekend through September. Guided tours are available, please call ahead.

Join the festivities for entertainment, culture and history during the annual Fort Sisseton Historical Festival.  The festival features period entertainment and activities and attracts thousands of visitors each year.


Historical interest


Boat Ramp
Camping cabins
Canoe/kayak rentals
Drinking water
Electric campsites
Flush toilets/showers
Game checkout
Life Jacket Checkout
Picnic Shelter
Snowshoe checkout
Visitor Center

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