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Fort Macon State Park

2303 East Fort Macon Road

Fort Macon State Park has multiple personalities as the site of a perfectly restored Civil War-era fort, a museum-quality coastal education center and an unspoiled shoreline for swimming, surf fishing and beachcombing. Nearly surrounded by water at the eastern tip of Bogue Banks, the park offers undisturbed natural beauty and opportunities to explore and learn about salt marshes, estuaries and dune fields. The fort — once a project of Robert E. Lee as a young army engineer—has a history as intricate and unique as the ecosystem. Cannon and musket demonstrations and guided tours are regular features, complementing extensive exhibits indoors and out. A bathhouse and wheelchair-accessible beachside areas complete the recreational fare.


The park is a great place for a hike! See the Trails page for more information.

Fish are abundant in the inlet and the ocean. Flounder, bluefish, spot, croaker, sheepshead and whiting provide plenty of sport and lots of good eating. Fishing may be enjoyed throughout the year at Fort Macon.

Spring: Fishing starts slow but will improve as the water warms with catches of flounder, bluefish, red drum and various other species that return this time of year.
Summer: Fishing this time of year is usually a mixed bag of black drum, spot, flounder, bluefish, pompano, red drum and sea mullet.
Fall: Fall is the time when surf anglers enjoy runs of sea mullet (whiting), pompano, spot, gray trout, red drum, bluefish, black drum and various other species.
Winter: Fishing becomes tougher as the water cools. Determined anglers can target speckled trout and redfish in the surf. This time of year also has good numbers of dogfish.

Make a day of your visit and pack a picnic. Picnic facilities in the park include outdoor grills (a great place to cook those freshly caught fish), drinking water, picnic tables, shelters and restrooms.

The beautiful beach is a popular source of recreation at the park. A seaside bathhouse and refreshment stand are open Memorial Day through Labor Day for your convenience and comfort. Lifeguards are on duty for your protection from 10 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Memorial Day through Labor Day, staff permitting.

Due to strong water currents, visitors are encouraged to swim only in the designated area. Surfing is not allowed in the swimming area. Swimming in Beaufort Inlet is strictly prohibited.


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