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Eisenhower State Park

50 Park Road 20

Eisenhower State Park, with 463.1 acres, is located in Grayson County, northwest of Denison on the shores of Lake Texoma. It was acquired in 1954 by a Department of Army lease and was opened to the public in 1958.

The park was named for the 34th U.S. president, Dwight David Eisenhower, as he was born nearby. In the early 1830s, the area became increasingly important to Anglo settlers, particularly as a route to Texas and the American Southwest. Some of the things that add to the history of the area are the American Indian; Butterfield Overland stage routes; Chisholm and Shawnee cattle drive trails; Fort Johnson, established in the area in 1840; and Colbert's Crossing, established on the Red River in 1853 and operated until 1931.


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