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Catamount Outdoor Family Center

592 Gov Chittenden Road

About Us:

The Catamount Outdoor Family Center has been the home of the McCullough family since 1873. The place was originally the home farm of Giles Chittenden. The main house was built by his father, Vermont's first Governor, Thomas Chittenden, in 1796.

The property at Catamount is listed by the Vermont Division for Historic Places and the national Register of Historic Places as the "Giles Chittenden Homestead". The land is situated on two hills affording vistas including the Green Mountains and the Winooski River Valley in the East and the Adirondacks and Lake Champlain in the West. A pleasant combination of woodland, pasture, and cropland combine with mostly gently rolling terrain to make this 500 acre property a gem in burgeoning Chittenden County.

We started the recreation/conservation land use experiment in 1978 that you see here today. The property has become a model of education, agriculture, forestry, wildlife management, conservation, historic preservation, and recreation. it regularly services Vermonters throughout the Northwest quadrant of the state. It is also a destination for tourists from around the globe. Catamount is a 501(c)3 non profit organization.


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