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Burleigh H. Murray Ranch Park Property

Higgings Canyon Road

Burleigh H. Murray, for whom the acquisition is named, was born on the ranch July 19, 1865. His Father came to California from Vermont in 1852 following the cry of gold and working in the mines at Auburn, Placer county. In 1857 he settled at the present Murray ranch with some sheep and cattle and began a successful dairy farm.

The Mills Barn and surrounding outbuildings, are maintained in a condition of arrested decay. Mills Barn hugs the hill beside perennial Mills Creek. This historic structure dates back to the late 1800's and is a good representation of an English Lake County Bank Barn.

Originally 200 feet in length and capable of housing 100 dairy cows, the Mills Barn is the only building of this type in California. The foundation of the barn and other buildings including an un-reinforced arched stone bridge, rely on Italian masonry techniques dating back to Roman times.

Hiking Trails
Horseback Riding


Historical/Cultural Site
Picnic Areas
Interpretive Exhibits
Vista Point
Nature & Wildlife Viewing


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