As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Brown County State Park

1405 S.R. 46 W.

Nicknamed the "Little Smokies" because of the area's resemblance to the Great Smoky Mountains, Brown County encompasses nearly 16,000 acres of rugged hills, ridges and fog-shrouded ravines. Glaciers from the most recent ice ages stopped short of the "hills o' Brown," but their meltwaters helped create the narrow ridges, steep slopes and deep gullies of Brown County State Park. Indiana's largest park is a traditional fall color hot spot, with nearly 20 miles of tree-lined roads and many scenic vistas overlooking miles of uninterrupted forestland.


Nature Center / Interpretive Naturalist Services
Bridle Trails / Saddle Barn, (with escorted rides: (812) 988-8166 )
Picnic Tables
Fishing / Ice Fishing
Hiking Trails
Mountain Bike Trails
Brown County Mountain Bike Trails
"Bike" magazine says Brown County SP trails among best on continent.
Tennis Courts
Open Fields
Playground Equipment
Swimming / Pool (Policy). Call office for hours.

Camping -  See campground maps under MAPS tab
RVs Use West Gate
Electric / 401 sites
Non-Electric / 28 sites
Rally / 60 sites
Horsemen's - Entrance off 135 South
Electric / 118 sites
Non-Electric / 86 sites
Youth Tent Areas
Camp Store
Dumping Station


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