As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Berryman Trail

The Berryman Trail starts at Berryman Campground, the site of a Civilian Conservation Corps camp, and traverses 24 miles of scenic Ozark countryside. It winds through timbered stands of oak, pine and bottomland hardwood, climbing switchback fashion from low bottoms to high cherty ridges. Interesting flora and fauna abound in the old fields, glade-like rock outcroppings and deep forest. Trail users are insured a measure of solitude and quiet, as motor vehicles are prohibited on the trail. Mountain bikes are permitted; however, users must yield the right-of-way when encountering horseback riders. The western section of the trail also serves as part of the Courtois Section of the Ozark Trail.

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