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5 Best Fishing Spots in Kentucky

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5 Best Fishing Spots in Kentucky

When anglers cast a line, it’s all about the big catch and the great story to go along with it. From enormous lakes to rushing rivers, Kentucky is a paradise for fishermen and women. After a trip to one of the state’s best fishing spots, you’ll have plenty of stories to tell. Here are our favorites. 

1. Taylorsville Lake, Mount Eden, KY

Taylorsville Lake is a prime fishing hole in Kentucky. There are plenty of bass, crappie, and catfish that have reached their keeper status. But before you keep what you catch, make sure to check with the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife regulations. Most people at Taylorsville Lake come to fish from the banks, but there are several fishing boats as well. Taylorsville Lake is just outside of Louisville, Kentucky, and tends to be pretty crowded during the summertime, so if you come fishing make sure to get your spot saved early in the day! 

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2. Lake Cumberland

Lake Cumberland has a large variety of fish species ready to be snagged on your next fishing trip. Crappie, bream, walleye, trout, catfish, and five species of bass can all become part of your wall-collection or your next meal. You may want to just come fishing to Lake Cumberland for the sport though. The pristine water is reminiscent of a Great Lake. There are also quite a few fishing tournaments hosted every year here. If you want to compete, check out the Lake Cumberland Tourism website for more information.

3. Nolin River Lake

Crappie, bass, and walleye all reside in the beautiful Nolin River Lake. Located on the edge of Mammoth Cave Park, Nolin River Lake is a prime fishing hole for many Kentuckians that like to eat what they catch. There are plenty of coves and secret nooks to claim your spot. During the holiday season, the lake can tend to get crowded, so plan accordingly. 

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4. Dale Hollow Lake

Dale Hollow is one of the most beautiful fishing spots in Kentucky. Bass, trout, walleye, bluegill, muskie, catfish, and panfish can all be found in Dale Hollow. This is one of the deepest lakes in Kentucky which means a truly big catch could be lurking below. The water at Dale Hollow lake is crystal clear which means the visibility for fishing is excellent. If you’re a sport fisherman you will want to check out Dale Hollow on your next fishing trip to Kentucky. This prime fishing hole is the oldest man-made lake in the state. By the dam, the depths reach over 100 feet, which makes for a nice fish population.  

5. Rough River Lake

Rough River may not be well-known as a prime fishing spot in Kentucky, but it is a very relaxing destination. If you enjoy the peacefulness of just fishing for fun, Rough River is a prime spot for just that. Bass, crappie, bluegill, and sunfish can all be found at this great fishing hole. There are plenty of rock ledges for fishing. Whether you’re fishing for fun or enjoying the sun you can do it all at Rough River.  

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